Garmin DK Entry Winners Announced

The 2019 DK start list just grew by 10 people. Thanks to the DK entry giveaway promotion we did, ten additional riders now have the opportunity to line up for the gravel event that has become the measuring stick for all others. Winners have been notified and are hopefully beginning preparations for their ride through the Flint Hills of Kansas on June 1st.

“DK is one of those rides hard to describe without using the terms ‘bucket list’ and ‘epic’. I’ll never be able to do all of the great rides of the world, but winning the opportunity to challenge myself and add DK to my list is an absolute thrill”, said entry winner Bob Walker.

The winners are:
Jon Agazzi
Derrick Lee
Scott Kuppersmith
Bill McCann
Jeremy Hall
Brad Williams
Katherine Graham
Lorina Padgett
Dean O’Conner
Bob Walker

Read what ENVE employees had to say about their DK experience after riding it in 2018.