Wind-Tunnel Tested, Real-World Proven
Aerodynamics are an unalienable right for road cyclists and triathletes that allows for greater efficiency and confidence inspiring handling, regardless of wind conditions. With more than a decade’s experience in developing some of the world’s fastest wheels, we are uniquely qualified to deliver best-in-class aerodynamics to the Foundation customer.
Like our SES wheel family, the Foundation Collection and its ENVE 45 were tested and developed at the Mercedes Benz Formula One wind-tunnel to deliver best-in-class real world aero performance. Unlike other wheel brands who only test isolated wheels at elite speeds of 30mph/48kph, ENVE develops and tests wheels in-frame at multiple speeds ranging from 20mph/32kph to 30mph/48kph. This testing, while more time consuming and expensive, ensures that the ENVE 45 delivers performance advantages to riders of all abilities.